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Afruz Amighi

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Afruz Amighi

Afruz Amighi is an Iranian-American artist whose unique and powerful artistic expression is a result of her exploration of different cultures and media. Her works are marked by bold and vivid colors, intricate designs, and energetic compositions. Amighi's practice includes painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, and photography. Her works often explore themes of reinvention, transformation, and identity. Amighi's art is a reflection of her personal experiences and her cultural background, which she uses to create a dialogue between different cultures and traditions. One of the key aspects of Afruz Amighi's work is her use of light and shadow. She often creates intricate patterns and designs that are illuminated by light, creating a sense of depth and movement. Her works are also characterized by their use of negative space, which she uses to create a sense of mystery and ambiguity. Another important aspect of Amighi's work is her exploration of different materials and techniques. She often combines traditional materials and techniques with new technologies and materials, creating a unique and innovative artistic language. Her works are also marked by their attention to detail and craftsmanship, which is evident in the intricate patterns and designs that she creates. Overall, Afruz Amighi is a highly respected and influential artist whose work has been widely exhibited and acclaimed. Her unique and powerful artistic expression is a result of her exploration of different cultures and media, and her works often explore themes of reinvention, transformation, and identity. Her use of light and shadow, her attention to detail and craftsmanship, and her innovative use of materials and techniques are some of the key aspects of her work.

Afruz Amighi, Iranian-American artist, bold and vivid colors, intricate designs, energetic compositions, reinvention, transformation, identity, light and shadow, negative space, traditional materials, new technologies, attention to detail, craftsmanship,

Joseph Walker

Afruz Amighi

Afruz Amighi is an Iranian-American artist, who has developed a unique and powerful artistic expression through her exploration of different cultures and media. Her works are marked by bold and vivid colors, intricate designs, and energetic compositions. She often draws from art and culture from around the world, giving particular attention to her Middle Eastern heritage. Amighi's works often explore themes of reinvention, transformation, and identity. Her practice includes painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, and photography. Her work has been featured in various international biennials and exhibitions, including the Sharjah Art Museum in the UAE. Notable works by Amighi include A Raising of the Earth, Fatal Love, and The Visible Unseen.

Art, design, culture, reinvention, transformation, identity, photography, sculpture, installation, painting, drawing, Middle Eastern, Iranian-American, Afruz Amighi.

Eleonora Barbieri

Afruz Amighi

A noted Iranian-American artist, Afruz Amighi, has developed a unique and powerful artistic expression through her exploration of different cultures and media. Her diverse range of works have been widely acclaimed for their bold and vivid colors, intricate designs, and energetic compositions. Her individual style is expressed through a combination of painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, and photography that often explore themes of reinvention, transformation, and identity. Amighi's works often feature influences of art and culture from around the world, and in particular, those of her Middle Eastern heritage. In 2009, her work was featured at the Sharjah Art Museum in the UAE and she has since participated in various international biennials and exhibitions. Notable works by Amighi include A Raising of the Earth, Fatal Love, and The Visible Unseen.

Iranian-American artist, Afruz Amighi, Middle Eastern heritage, transformation, reinvention, identity, painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, photography.

Giovanna Mancini

Afruz Amighi Definition
Afruz Amighi on Design+Encyclopedia

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